I’m trying to understand this error:
WARNING: Can’t mass-assign these protected attributes: active
I had this error before when creating a record.I did not mark the attibutes posted from the form as attr_accessible, so when the following line tries to execute it throwed an Warning in the log, and the record was not saved.
@user = User.new(params[:user])
I find out that I have to have the attributes that I want to sent from the form marked as attr_accessible. But now I’m not understanding the same error when I try to update a single parameter from the record.
Let’s say I have this in my users controller:
#Get from the params hash the activation key
activation_key = params[:activation_key]
#Get from the params Hash the user id
user_id =params[:id]
@user = User.find(user_id)
and in the model I don’t have the param active :marked as attr_accessible. And the following warning messages is logged and the record is not updated
WARNING: Can’t mass-assign these protected attributes: active
Shouldn’t this work without having the :param active marked with attr_accessible?