
hi im anas

  Im using model validatios,it check's in the model.....     instead of that when i click the view's submit button (i.e. .rhtml file which contain the form details )it'l check validations such as............... ("emptyness,numerical,format of file uploading......)

                                                  MD ANAS ALI

Hi Anas,

I am not sure whether I got you right, but to me it sounds as if you are trying to use client side form validation. I.e., are you trying to validate your form data before it is sent back to the server?

In that case, there seems to be a nice Rails plugin called LiveValidation; it takes your model validations and builts matching client-side validation scripts in Javascript. See: http://livevalidation.rubyforge.org/

It's built on top of the LiveValidation JS library: http://www.livevalidation.com/ Maybe these meet your needs.
