View link not working....

The problem variable here is @item_class. It's not passing as an extra parameter.

I have in my partial

<%= %> #Just to make sure @item_class is not null <%= link_to_if someCondition, 'myLink', :action=>:myLinkAction, :id => @item,:item_class=> %>

the above renders

Photo <a href="/item/myLinkAction/10">myLink</a>

which is missing the extra parameter Photo.

Why don't I see

<a href="/item/myLinkAction/10?item_class=Photo">myLink</a>

if I add a string like 'wibble' <%= link_to_if someCondition, 'myLink', :action=>:myLinkAction, :id => @item,:item_class=>, :extra=>'wibble' %>

I get

Photo <a href="/item/myLinkAction/10?extra=wibble">myLink</a>

Ok, if I switch it to

<%= %> <%= link_to_if someCondition, 'myLink', :action=>:myLinkAction, :id => @item,:extras=>, :item_class=>'wibble' %>

I get

Photo <a href="/item/myLinkAction/10?extras=Photo">myLink</a>

What's the problem with using a parameter having a same name as a variable? I didn't see this issue until I went to 1.2.2 from 1.1.6.

I REALLY appreciate the help, it's been about 2 weeks I've been wrestling with this.

One other note, this only happens with named routes. item_class is assigned in the named route, I get the results above. If I manually type it into the url, it's fine.

I'll try your suggestion. Thanks again for the help.

Ok if I return the various arguments passed in, I see:

condition: true name: myLink options:item_classwibbleextrasPhotoactionmyLinkActionid html_options: NULL *parameters_for_method_reference: NULL

No block supplied, so didn't check that.

What were you expecting for *parameters for method_reference?

parameters_for_method_reference should probably be nil.

What is the route for this action? What does url_for(:action=>:myLinkAction, :id =>

The url_for generates:
