Very noobish question

So I just started with rails a few days ago and I am wondering why this does not work. I get an ArgumentError in User#create

Extracted source (around line #2):

1: 2: <% form.for :user, @user, :url => {:action => "create"}, :html => {:class => "create_form"} do |f| %> 3: 4: <p> 5: <%= f.label :username %><br />

I believe this is what is relevant to what is causing the error


<% form.for :user, @user, :url => {:action => "create"}, :html => {:class => "create_form"} do |f| %>   <p>       <%= f.label :username %><br />       <%= f.text_field :username %>   </p>   <p>       <%= f.label :password %><br />       <%= f.text_field :password %>   </p>   <p>       <%= f.label :first %><br />       <%= f.text_field :first %>   </p>   <p>       <%= f.label :last %><br />       <%= f.text_field :last %>   </p>   <p>       <%= f.label :email %><br />       <%= f.text_field :email %>   </p>

  <p>     <%= f.submit_tag 'Sign Up' %>   </p> <% end %>


class UserController < ActionController::Base   def index     @users = User.all   end   def create     p params     @user =     #@user.first = params[:user][:first]     #@user.last = params[:user][:last]     #@user.username = params[:user][:username]     #@user.password = params[:user][:password]   end end

So I just started with rails a few days ago and I am wondering why this does not work. I get an ArgumentError in User#create

Extracted source (around line #2):

1: 2: <% form.for :user, @user, :url => {:action => "create"}, :html =>

That looks like a typo - it's form_for, not form.for


Try to understand the standard 7 object method called restfull API and it will make your life easier in rails. Application. Try checking for a start.



Try to understand the standard 7 object method called restfull API and it will make your life easier in rails. Application. Try checkinghttp://railscas.comfor a start.

Its actually

ryan bate's video screencasts, they really realy help