variable symbol


i hava a database tst with attributes d1 and d2

in an array a=["d1","d2"]

to get to the value of tst.d1 i can use

tst.send a[0].to_sym

how can i change the value of d1 in this way ?

something like

tst.send a[0].to_sym = "hello" ??


Almost, but, you myst to send `:d1=` symbol, so correct call is:

tst.send :"#{a[0]}=" = "hello"

1.9.3-p125 :039 > us.bslnk.send :"#{tst}=" = false SyntaxError: (irb):39: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end us.bslnk.send :"#{tst}=" = false                           ^

I don't speak Deutsch, but I guess I understood you. Sorry it was my mistake (copy-paste is evil):

us.bslnk.send :"#{tst}=" false

You're probably going to need a comma in there to separate the parameters being passed to .send

  us.bslnk.send :"#{tst}=", false

It may be clearer in this instance to be explicit with parantheses:

  us.bslnk.send(:"#{tst}=", false)

Yes, sorry - feel kinda messy today. Thanks for fixing me.


i hava a database tst with attributes d1 and d2

in an array a=["d1","d2"]

to get to the value of tst.d1 i can use

tst.send a[0].to_sym

how can i change the value of d1 in this way ?

something like

tst.send a[0].to_sym = "hello" ??

I would be interested to know why you need to do this. In my experience it is very unusual to have a requirement like this, often there is a better way of satisfying the underlying requirement.
