validation problem! please help!!!!

Hi to all,

i've the following validation in my model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base   acts_as_mappable :default_units => :kms,                          :default_formula => :flat,              :lat_column_name => :latitudine,        :lng_column_name => :longitudine   has_many :neighborgs   has_many :blacklists   has_many :calls   validates_format_of :mac_address, :with =>/^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}[:-]){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$/i,             :on => :create,             :on => :update,             :message => "MAC ADDRESS NON CORRETTO, IL FORMATO CORRETTO E': 000b8209bcae "

  validates_uniqueness_of :mac_address         validates_presence_of :nome, :cognome, :interno, :indirizzo, :cap, :numero_civico, :telefono_abitazione, :password, :mac_address, :sncpe         validates_numericality_of :numero_civico, :cap, :interno   validates_format_of :cap, :with => /^[0-9]{5}$/i,            :on => :create,            :on => :update,            :message => "INSERIRE UN CAP VALIDO!!!!"

when i insert from the web inferface a wrong value, i'm not redirected to the web insertion page, but i see on my browser the error "Template is missing" !!!!!!!

I really don't know what is the problem, because all the validations work fine!!!

thanks in advance


if your validations work fine and you get a template error, then most likely the error is in the controller code (or the template is missing). could you post that? and the full error message, so we can see which template is missing...

could you post that? and the full error message, so we can see which template is missing...

Yes, i've founded the problem.... My mistake, in the controller :slight_smile: !!!!


It's probably something wrong with your controller, but you haven't shown any of that file.
