Validating date_select invalid dates


I'm trying to validate a invalid date like Feb 31, 1976 but I'm getting a really weird error msg and I can't figure out how to fix it. I thought that using validates_multiparameter_assignments it would handle any invalid date posted but it is not working. Everytime that I try I get:

You have a nil object when you didn't expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.>

#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/models/spec.rb:19 #{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers/spec_controller.rb:16:in `edit' /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/standardRailsMar2007.locobundle/i386/ bin/mongrel_rails:16:in `load' /Applications/Locomotive2/Bundles/standardRailsMar2007.locobundle/i386/ bin/mongrel_rails:16

but birthdate is not nil!!

If I try with a valid date everything will work perfectly.

below I'm pasting my controller and view code

class Spec < ActiveRecord::Base

  belongs_to :user   acts_as_ferret

  ALL_FIELDS = %w(first_name last_name address phone gender birthdate city state zip_code)   STRING_FIELDS = %w(first_name last_name address phone city state)   VALID_GENDERS = ["Male", "Female"]   START_YEAR = 1900   END_YEAR = - 18   ZIP_CODE_LENGTH = 10

validates_presence_of :zip_code, :birthdate, :first_name, :last_name, :phone, :city, :state, :country   validates_length_of STRING_FIELDS, :maximum => DB_STRING_MAX_LENGTH   validates_inclusion_of :gender, :in => VALID_GENDERS, :allow_nil => true, :message => "must be male or female"   validates_multiparameter_assignments :message => " is not a valid date."   validates_each :birthdate do |record, attr, value|     puts value.class         record.errors.add attr, "is not a valid date. You must be at least 18 years old to sign in." if value > - 18),(,(     end end

<% form_for :spec do |form| %> <fieldset>   <legend><%= "edit #{@user.screen_name} profile" %></legend>

  <%= error_messages_for 'spec' %>     <%= field_for("text", form, "first_name")%>     <%= field_for("text", form, "last_name") %>     <div class="form_row">       <label for="gender">Gender:</label>       <%= radio_button(:spec, :gender, "Male") %> Male       <%= radio_button(:spec, :gender, "Female") %> Female     </div>     <div class="form_row">       <label for="birthdate">Birthdate:</label>       <%= date_select :spec, :birthdate,                            :start_year => Spec::END_YEAR,                            :end_year => Spec::START_YEAR,                            :order => [:month, :day, :year] %>     </div>     <%= field_for("text", form, "phone") %>     <%= field_for("text", form, "address") %>     <%= field_for("text", form, "city") %>     <%= field_for("text", form, "state") %>     <%= field_for("text", form, "country") %>     <%= field_for("text", form, "zip_code", Spec::ZIP_CODE_LENGTH, Spec::ZIP_CODE_LENGTH) %>

    <%= submit_tag "Update", :class => "submit" %> </fieldset> <% end %>

Thanks, Thiago Guerra

I'm having the same problem! My date_select('days' field returns standard 31 days) in the view can return also invalid dates like 31 februari. There is a plugin to have it return an errormessage

But that's totally not what I want and how it should be, is it?

I want the invalid dates to dissapear! Anyone know a solution?