validates_length_of for NUMBER data type


When column's data type is NUMBER (oracle) validates_length_of doesn't seem to work.

validates_length_of :bsa, :maximum=>3

I get error message even though I didn't put anything and if I enter something, I get 'size' is undefined error.

If I do that: validates_length_of :bsa, :within => 1..999 , :allow_nil => true

I get wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) error.

I also googled, but could find specific way of validates length of number data type.

thanks in advance,

When column's data type is NUMBER (oracle) validates_length_of doesn't seem to work.

validates_length_of :bsa, :maximum=>3

validates_length_of is for validating string lengths.

I also googled, but could find specific way of validates length of number data type.

Override the validate method in the model.

def validate   if bsa > 999 errors.add( :bsa, 'too big' )   if bsa < 1 errors.add( :bsa, 'too small' ) end

Great! It works. Thank you so much!