Validate uniqueness of category model depending on user model

How to make unique validation on category model that is belong to user model and the unique validation must depend on user model so for example every user may have their own unique category name but two or more user may have a same category name but they can't have a same category name twice.

could you give an example to explain that a little bit more?

Use the :scope option on validates_uniqueness_of ?


For example : (note: change category into product for easier understanding) There are 2 user : "User 1" may have product name it "CAR", "HOUSE", "HOUSE@XXX" "User 2" may have product name it "CAR", "CAR 2", "HOUSE@YYY", "HOUSE", "WALLET"

The point is every user may have a same product but they need to maintain a user uniqueness product so "User 1" can't have a new product name "CAR" cos it's already have it on the first row product.

I will try to look forward for Frederick suggestion, see if using :scope solve the problem. Thanks for Frederick