Validate select list


I have two database - tables (users and user_permissions) which have a 1..n - relationship. If I want to create a new entry on 'users' table I need the correct user_permission_id from the other table. So the form which I use has a select list with all entries of the user_permissions - table but if anybody insert an invalid key into the select list I get inconsistent data in my database. How can I solve this problem?

At this time I use "validates_inclusion_of" and "validates_associated" to solve this problem but without any success.


Hi Eddy,

Eddy Betara wrote:

I have two database - tables (users and user_permissions) which have a 1..n - relationship. If I want to create a new entry on 'users' table I need the correct user_permission_id from the other table. So the form which I use has a select list with all entries of the user_permissions - table but if anybody insert an invalid key into the select list I get inconsistent data in my database. How can I solve this problem?

The 'standard' approach to this is to put an 'observe_field' on the first select field which fires a method that, based on the value selected, re-renders (typically with RJS) the second select. If you're new to RJS, Cody Fauser's piece at O'Reilly is we'll worth the $10.

HTH, Bill

Hi Bill,

thanks for your post but I looking for a solution for my 'user' model which allows me to validate the user_permission_id with all entry of the user_permissions - table. Has anybody a solution or a tip for my problem?



I have two database - tables (users and user_permissions) which have a 1..n - relationship. If I want to create a new entry on 'users'
table I need the correct user_permission_id from the other table. So the form which I use has a select list with all entries of the
user_permissions - table but if anybody insert an invalid key into the select list I get inconsistent data in my database. How can I solve this problem?

I would just use a foreign key.
