Using partials with XML builder, what's the right way?

Hello everyone,

Partials in XML builder are proving to be non-trivial.

After some initial Google searching, I found the following to work, although it's not 100% do          xml.created_at(foo.created_at)          xml.last_updated(foo.updated_at)          foo.bars.each do |bar|              xml << render(:partial => 'bar/_bar', :locals => { :bar => bar })          end      end

this will do the trick, except the XML output is not properly indented. the output looks something similar to:

    <foo>       <id>1</id>       <created_at>sometime</created_at>       <last_updated>sometime</last_updated>     <bar>       ...     </bar>     <bar>       ...     </bar>     </foo>

The ``<bar>`` element should align underneath the ``<last_updated>`` element, it is a child of ``<foo>`` like this:

    <foo>       <id>1</id>       <created_at>sometime</created_at>       <last_updated>sometime</last_updated>       <bar>         ...       </bar>       <bar>         ...       </bar>     </foo>

Works great if I copy the content from bar/_bar.xml.builder into the template, but then things just aren't DRY.



Matthew Hillsborough wrote:

Hello everyone,

Partials in XML builder are proving to be non-trivial.

So use Haml instead of Builder -- it works just as well for XML as for HTML. Problem solved.

IMHO, Builder is the single most pointless thing in the Rails ecosystem.


I've swapped-in Nokogiri rather than builder, but my general strategy is the same; using helper methods to encapsulate discreet xml building code for reuse rather than partials. Seems less hackish. Just pass in the xml object you are building up.