Hi all,
I have to set the primary key myself and not use sequences in an Oracle schema
In http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.ruby.rails/118516 someone writes,
"Correct, that's the expected/correct behavior -- so long as you define the PK properly, and set it yourself, it won't try to use a sequence."
I have
CREATE TABLE d_simulationproducts ( id NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, simulationproducttype VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT NULL NULL, position NUMBER(38,0) DEFAULT NULL NULL, productcategory VARCHAR2(50) DEFAULT NULL NULL, simulationproductname VARCHAR2(255) NULL, )
ALTER TABLE d_simulationproducts ADD PRIMARY KEY ( id )
=> [#<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::OracleColumn:0x52bf750 @primary=true, @scale=0, @name="id", @null=false, etc...>
and do not override the id accessor in my model, nor manipulatig set_sequence_name
When I try following in the console
it raises me the error : OCIError: ORA-02289: sequence does not exist
What am I doing wrong ?
Any hint is really appreciated, Michael