How one can use a JS variable in the ruby code?
Depends what you mean. if you want a link or similar to submit a javascript variable then have a look at
Have you figured this out yet? I am looking for the same thing. How would you set a ruby variable inside a javascript method? Say something like this...
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function submitform(nextQuestion) { <% @nextQuestion = nextQuestion %> document.form1.submit(); }
Have you figured this out yet? I am looking for the same thing. How would you set a ruby variable inside a javascript method? Say something like this...
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function submitform(nextQuestion) { <% @nextQuestion = nextQuestion %> document.form1.submit();
That's completely impossible - client side code cannot have server side effects (except of course via a request of some sort). If you are trying to change what the form submits, then a classic technique is to have a hidden field on the form that the javascript manipulates.