Using ActiveRecord 3.0.x with Ruby 1.9.2

Can someone remind me of the incantation to use ActiveRecord in a plain ruby program for the versions specified. I'm not having any luck searching with google and I keep getting:

`require': no such file to load -- activerecord (LoadError)

Not sure if this is a dependency or file path problem.


Can someone remind me of the incantation to use ActiveRecord in a plain ruby program for the versions specified. I'm not having any luck searching with google and I keep getting:

`require': no such file to load -- activerecord (LoadError)

have you tried:

require 'rubygems' require 'active_record'

D:\>irb irb(main):001:0> require 'rubygems' => true irb(main):002:0> require 'active_record' => true irb(main):003:0> exit

D:\>rails -v Rails 3.0.1

require ‘active_record’ ?

I tried this too, but when I put it in an .rb file, I get the error above.

Assuming there is a table named "posts", this code will work:

require 'rubygems' gem 'activerecord', '3.0.1' require 'active_record'

ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(   :adapter => "sqlite3",   :database => "/users/dwormuth/sites/rails/testrails/db/ development.sqlite3" )

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end

post = Post.find(1) puts puts "It worked"