Using a hash with a FormHelper

Is it possible to have a FormHelper (i.e. text_field) get it's value from a hash, instead of an object. For example, my application uses a datetime field to determine when something should happen. In the database it is stored as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (20071022 19:20:00), but for the user I want to format it like MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm and using standard time instead of military (10/22/2007 7:20p). My hash looks something like this:

@date = { :year => 2007, :month => 22, :day => 10, :hour => 7, :minute => 20, :ampm => "pm" }

Is there anyway I can use a FormHelper for this and similar hashes:

<%= text_field @date, :year %>

There are a number of areas on the site where I have a similar issue and would like to find a consistent solution.

Thanks, Jeremy

To solve this, I created a class that takes a hash as it's input and use the resulting object in my FormHelper functions. I am not sure what the hit on performance is on this, but it works!


module HashModel

  class Model

    def initialize(hash)       if /^Hash/.match(hash.class.to_s)         @my_hash = hash       else         raise "Only a hash may be passed to object. You passed: #{hash.class.to_s}"       end     end

    def empty?       @my_hash.empty?     end

    def method_missing(method_id)

      # if value is an number, then we should return an int. This is for the select helper. "1" and 1 are not the same, so the selected element does not get chosen.       if @my_hash && @my_hash.key?(method_id.to_s) && /\A\d+ \Z/.match(@my_hash[method_id.to_s])         @my_hash[method_id.to_s].to_i       elsif @my_hash && @my_hash.key?(method_id.to_s)         @my_hash[method_id.to_s]       else         nil       end     end   end end