I have this uploader that was working just fine with html file_field and File.open But now I have to large of files to send so I am having to resort to other means and can not use attachment_fu yet
So the portion of my model has this code in it #Model ftp.putbinaryfile(self.path, self.name, 1024) But that does not work and ftp.putbinaryfile(self.temp_path, self.name, 1024) Reports that I have no file name so and so If it is not the the uploaded path already .
I need to get the file and path via the browser Client side and upload it to the server with the ftp data already in the model
And Please do not tell me net/ftp and rails can't do this cause I
swear I will throw a ruby sized bolder through my code books if it
can't . :
On that I did read through the past posts here but saw no answers.