URL formatting

Hi,       The problem i am facing is as follows:

       I want to generate the URL as follows http://localhost:3000/developments/find/india

As of now MY URL is :

         http://localhost:3000/developments/find?search[address]=India. The above URL is framed from JQuery by selecting the select box value.

The JQuery i used:

    def select_filter_by_city_js     <<-END       Event.observe($('filter_by_country'), 'change', function(e) {         window.document.location = '#{search_developments_url}' + ?search[address]=' + e.element().getValue();       });     END   end

In my routing file(routes.rb) : i defined for search_developments_ur

map.search_developments '/developments/find/',:controller=> 'developments',:action=>'search'

In my controller : I get the value like

def search

    location.heading = :search

    show_results = params.has_key?(:search) @title = 'Find Developments ' + params[:search].to_s     @search = Development::Search.new(params[:search])     @developments = show_results ? @search.run(params[:page]) : Development.find(:all)

    respond_to do |format|       format.html { render :action => (show_results ? 'index' : 'search') }       format.xml { render :xml => @developments }     end   end

    I guess i need to work with routes.rb. I tried so many combinations but no luck . can any one please advise me. what i miss here . Thanks.