Hi there,
I’m upgrading an app from rails 4.2.7 to 5.0.4.
I have updated the binary files through this command $rails app:update, and so far so good.
However, when i run this command $rails db:migrate, I get the following error:
rails aborted!
NoMethodError: undefined method `scheduler’
and the code it points is to this block: (the red is what is causing the error.
if !defined?(Rails::Console) && \
File.basename($0) != ‘rake’ && \
scheduler_pid_file = File.join(Rails.root, “tmp”, “scheduler.pid”).to_s
Scheduler::start_unless_running scheduler_pid_file
I’m using gem ‘rufus-scheduler’, ‘~> 3.4.2’
And I followed this guide to upgrade: https://hashrocket.com/blog/posts/how-to-upgrade-to-rails-5#3-update-rails-binaries-and-configurations
Do you have any idea how to solve this?
Thank you for your time,
João Bordalo