Updating to Rails 3 on Mac OS X

Hello, I'm working to install Rails 3 (pre) on my Mac, from the Rails blog post it says to run:

gem install rails --pre

After running that command I get the following errors:

WARNING: Installing to ~/.gem since /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8 and     /usr/bin aren't both writable. WARNING: You don't have /Users/myusername/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin in your PATH,     gem executables will not run. ERROR: Error installing rails:   activemodel requires builder (~> 2.1.2, runtime)

was there a step required before running the install that wasn't mentioned on the blog post?


Running "sudo gem install rails --pre" seemed to make it happier, only error'd now with:

ERROR: Error installing rails:   activemodel requires builder (~> 2.1.2, runtime)

Update 3, after getting all the dependencies installed, it's still erroring:

sudo gem install rails --pre Successfully installed rails-3.0.0.rc2 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for rails-3.0.0.rc2... File not found: lib


nobosh wrote:

Update 3, after getting all the dependencies installed, it's still erroring:

sudo gem install rails --pre Successfully installed rails-3.0.0.rc2 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for rails-3.0.0.rc2... File not found: lib


It looks like it actually installed, it just had trouble building ri/rdocs. You can disable building the local documentation with --no-ri and --no-rdoc, but there really shouldn't be a problem with that step of a gem install.

If you wait a few hours you can skip the whole "--pre" business altogether, as 3.0.0 will be released =)

lol can't wait. Your trick below worked. Thanks. I'm looking forward to upgrading in a few hours!