updating the db 6000 times will take few minutes ?

i am writing a test program for ActiveRecord, and it reads a document which is like 6000 words long. And then i just tally up the words by

    recordWord = Word.find_by_s(word);     if (recordWord.nil?)       recordWord = Word.new       recordWord.s = word     end     if recordWord.count.nil?       recordWord.count = 1     else       recordWord.count += 1     end     recordWord.save

and so this part loops for 6000 times... and it takes a few minutes to run at least using sqlite3. Is it normal? I was expecting it could run within a couple seconds... can MySQL speed it up a lot?

Have you got an index on the s column?


I'm glad you said it was a test because it wouldn't be nice to do that for real.

It looks like you've got at least 12000 transactions in there (select + update). Any indexes would make it worse.

I'm guessing that this would take around 5 minutes on decent single disk PC hardware.

No database engine (even oracle) is going to do that in 2 seconds on a standard PC with a single sata/ide hard disk. You're asking for 6000 read/write operations per second. You'll need some mighty big hardware to do that!

If you did the whole thing in a single transaction you might get it to go quite a bit faster.

Cheers, Gary.

Jian Lin wrote:

Would not the index make the lookup faster but the write slower? Is it that the cacheing would mean that the lookup would be pretty quick anyway, even without an index?


Gary Doades wrote:

I'm glad you said it was a test because it wouldn't be nice to do that for real.

It looks like you've got at least 12000 transactions in there (select + update). Any indexes would make it worse.

I'm guessing that this would take around 5 minutes on decent single disk   PC hardware.

No database engine (even oracle) is going to do that in 2 seconds on a standard PC with a single sata/ide hard disk. You're asking for 6000 read/write operations per second. You'll need some mighty big hardware to do that!

If you did the whole thing in a single transaction you might get it to go quite a bit faster.

will record.save automatically make it a transaction? so how do i make it into 1 transaction? I can't make it a hash or an array of records and at the end, do a loop of record.save too? because each will be a transaction... ?

what about using memcache? the db seems like was about 45MB when i run 6000 words test on a few pages... so memcache of 64MB... maybe everything will happen in RAM and it can be really fast?

Colin Law wrote:

Would not the index make the lookup faster but the write slower? Is it that the cacheing would mean that the lookup would be pretty quick anyway, even without an index?


yeah, seems like the search will be a lot faster with the index... i was also thinking of using production mode to run it, since the development mode will write all the SQL log and slow down the operation...

Is this a test or a real requirement? If it is a real requirement then count the words in memory first and then update the db so each record is only written once.


Yes, an index/caching will make the lookup faster, but even at the optimum you are looking at 6000 transactions. Never in two seconds unless you have some unsafe (buffered, no fsync) setting on your db engine.

Cheers, Gary.

Colin Law wrote:

Colin Law wrote:

Is this a test or a real requirement? If it is a real requirement then count the words in memory first and then update the db so each record is only written once.


it is a real requirement... so how do i update the db at the end in 1 operation? thanks.

Colin Law wrote: > Is this a test or a real requirement? If it is a real requirement then > count the words in memory first and then update the db so each record is > only written once.

> Colin

it is a real requirement... so how do i update the db at the end in 1 operation? thanks.

Well like others have said you can wrap everything in a single transaction (look at the rails api docs for transactions) which at least means that your database won't have to flush to disk on each write. There's nothing built into rails for bulk inserts but there's nothing stopping you from building up the appropriate insert statement yourself (there's also a plugin (http://github.com/zdennis/ar- extensions/tree/master) that does that sort of thing).


Simply put, this is an inappropriate use of a relational database. As the other respondents said, you're executing 12000 transactions each with a single database access. If you wrap the code above into a transaction block

Word.transaction do   ... end

you're down to one transaction, but still have 12000 accesses. IIUC, you have a word list of 6000 words (or something) in memory already, why not do the frequency counting where it's easy?

frequencies = Hash.new(0) wordlist.each { |word| frequencies[word] += 1 }

Word.transaction do   wordlist.each do |word, freq|     unless w = Word.find_by_s(word)       w = Word.new(:s => word, :count => 0)     end     w.freq += 1     w.save!   end end

This way still incurs two database accesses per unique word in your list. To cut this down without custom SQL ([1], [2]) you have to know/decide whether there are mostly known or unknown words in every new document.

Assuming most words are already in the database, you could do the update like this

Word.transaction do   wordlist.each do |word, freq|     update_count = Word.update_all(       ["freq = freq + ?", freq],       ["s = ?", word])     if update_count == 0       Word.create!(:s => word, :count => freq)     end   end end


[1] MySQL :: MySQL 8.0 Reference Manual :: INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE Statement [2] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/plpgsql-control- structures.html#PLPGSQL-ERROR-TRAPPING

Jian Lin wrote:

great... will try it out now.

actually, i was thinking, that the computer sometimes has 1GB free RAM or 3GB free RAM (of the 4GB of RAM). how come the OS doesn't automatically create a cache for the 45MB db file? If the OS creates the cache, everything happens in memory, and it should be quite fast.

Is it true that sqlite3 actually flush the data into the hard drive? but at least for the searching part, can it still happen just in RAM? Can't MySQL or Sqlite3 actually have a mode so that the db can be cached in RAM as much as possible?

The database can be cached in ram by most database engines. However, most database engines will also make sure that every transaction (insert, update, delete) is committed to disk by forcing a write to the physical disk for *every* transaction. If the database engine doesn't do this you risk losing part or all of your database if some kind of failure happens part way though your updates.

If you don't care if you lose part or all of your database, most database engines also have a setting for this.....

Cheers, Gary.

Jian Lin wrote:

so i re-ran the test and it worked quite quickly... down to 1 minute or so instead of 30 minutes... (for several pages)... and the db size is only 2.5MB (i created another rails project to start anew). So if we are just write scripts, and running with script/runner test.rb, how can we turn the "force write" feature of the sqlite3 off?

Are you running inside a transaction? sqlite3 in transaction mode is super-fast...

(Jumping into the thread late, why should a test push 6 000 records? Such a test is not exactly a "unit" test, and alternate strategies should work better.)

Have you made the suggested change to count the words in the document first then update the db, so that you are not updating each record in the database many times (presumably hundreds of times for common words)? This will change the number of db accesses from the total number of words in the document to the number of unique words in the document.

Colin Law wrote:

Have you made the suggested change to count the words in the document first then update the db, so that you are not updating each record in the database many times (presumably hundreds of times for common words)? This will change the number of db accesses from the total number of words in the document to the number of unique words in the document.

yes, so right now i first tally up the count by a Hash, and then at the end, write all the data to the table. it is strange that writing all this data take a minute or so... because the final db is only 2.5MB, and that if i write all the data to a flat file, i think it is done in 2 seconds.

so right now, i want to find out

1) can i tell sqlite3 not to write to the db every time i add a record (a row), but to do it all in memory and then finally, write to the table once at the end.

2) use memCache to do it.

3) some one at stackoverflow.com suggested using AR:Extensions    mysql - Updating the db 6000 times will take few minutes? - Stack Overflow

but i just want to use the most basic way to do it... such as by turning off the force-write of sqlite3

Colin Law wrote:

Have you made the suggested change to count the words in the document


then update the db, so that you are not updating each record in the


many times (presumably hundreds of times for common words)? This will

change the number of db accesses from the total number of words in the

document to the number of unique words in the document.

yes, so right now i first tally up the count by a Hash, and then at the

end, write all the data to the table. it is strange that writing all

this data take a minute or so… because the final db is only 2.5MB,

and that if i write all the data to a flat file, i think it is done in 2


Have you checked the sql in the log to make sure that it is only rewriting each word once? Have you added the index to the word field (I think now that each record is only being written once then the index should be beneficial as it will speed up the find, someone correct me if I am wrong)?

Another thing you could do is comment out the db access bit just to make sure that the time is not going somewhere else. Initially comment out the save then comment out the find also.


Jian Lin wrote:

Colin Law wrote:

Have you made the suggested change to count the words in the document first then update the db, so that you are not updating each record in the database

yes, so right now i first tally up the count by a Hash, and then at the end, write all the data to the table. it is strange that writing all this data take a minute or so... because the final db is only 2.5MB, and that if i write all the data to a flat file, i think it is done in 2 seconds.

so right now, i want to find out

1) can i tell sqlite3 not to write to the db every time i add a record (a row), but to do it all in memory and then finally, write to the table once at the end.

2) use memCache to do it.

3) some one at stackoverflow.com suggested using AR:Extensions    mysql - Updating the db 6000 times will take few minutes? - Stack Overflow

but i just want to use the most basic way to do it... such as by turning off the force-write of sqlite3

If you have made the change to count up words first and then *insert* all the (word,count) records into the database in a *single* transaction then it ought to take less than a second. I would expect that the total number of (word,count) records is in the order or hundreds or perhaps a thousand or so? Any decent DB ought to insert that in under a second as a *single* transaction.

If it is still taking minutes then you are probably not doing the above somehow. I think in that case you need to post your code again so we can see what it is doing now.

Cheers, Gary.

Gary Doades wrote:

If you have made the change to count up words first and then *insert* all the (word,count) records into the database in a *single* transaction then it ought to take less than a second. I would expect that the total number of (word,count) records is in the order or hundreds or perhaps a thousand or so? Any decent DB ought to insert that in under a second as a *single* transaction.

If it is still taking minutes then you are probably not doing the above somehow. I think in that case you need to post your code again so we can see what it is doing now.

i was doing it like this:

all_phrases = frequencies.keys Phrase.transaction do   all_phrases.each do |phrase|   recordPhrase = Phrase.new(:s => phrase, :frequency => frequencies[phrase], :length => lengths[phrase])   recordPhrase.save   end end

i am using "Phrase" instead of "Word"... but it is the same thing...

all_phrases.length is about 34000 for all data...

it would run for at least a minute... that's kind of weird...

Jian Lin wrote:

i was doing it like this:

all_phrases = frequencies.keys Phrase.transaction do   all_phrases.each do |phrase|   recordPhrase = Phrase.new(:s => phrase, :frequency => frequencies[phrase], :length => lengths[phrase])   recordPhrase.save   end end

by the way, the table has indexes on all fields: s, frequency, and length.

Jian Lin wrote:

Gary Doades wrote:

If you have made the change to count up words first and then *insert* all the (word,count) records into the database in a *single* transaction then it ought to take less than a second. I would expect that the total number of (word,count) records is in the order or hundreds or perhaps a thousand or so? Any decent DB ought to insert that in under a second as a *single* transaction.

If it is still taking minutes then you are probably not doing the above somehow. I think in that case you need to post your code again so we can see what it is doing now.

i was doing it like this:

all_phrases = frequencies.keys Phrase.transaction do   all_phrases.each do |phrase|   recordPhrase = Phrase.new(:s => phrase, :frequency => frequencies[phrase], :length => lengths[phrase])   recordPhrase.save   end end

i am using "Phrase" instead of "Word"... but it is the same thing...

all_phrases.length is about 34000 for all data...

I'm not sure how you get 34000 records from 6000 words. Surely you should get less not more.

it would run for at least a minute... that's kind of weird...

Are you sure it is just the above code that is taking a minute and not the bit of code that counts the words?

What hardware is this on exactly?

Cheers, Gary.