Updating model

I am following agile web development with rails.I faced some problems,as there are some changes related to default database and scaffolding.I was able to resolve these problems.My issue is this-i added a migration to "add price column" to product table,and ran the migration.All fine.But,my model is not being updated.How to update the model,so that view also reflects the new price column. thks

Vishal Sodani wrote:

I am following agile web development with rails.I faced some problems,as there are some changes related to default database and scaffolding.I was able to resolve these problems.My issue is this-i added a migration to "add price column" to product table,and ran the migration.All fine.But,my model is not being updated.How to update the model,so that view also reflects the new price column. thks

The view is not displaying price column.When,I add new product from view,default value of price,which is zero,is used while inserting.