Updating an attribute in db

Ptx wrote:


I am a Ruby newbie, thus a rather simple question. My list view shows table records and enables user to click a button in order to change value of one attribute in given record. I use this code to invoke a method from controller:

<%= button_to "Change", { :action => "edit", :id => prog.id_prog } %>

My method looks like this (just a simple one - to set the salary attribute to 1000)

def edit     prog = Prog.find(params[:id])     prog.update_attribute(:salary, 1000)

    redirect_to :action => 'list' end

However after a list view is shown again the change is not made to the database. I do not get it, as find returns the proper record and update_attribute returns true. What may be wrong?

Thanks in advance

I believe you need a 'prog.save' in there, before the redirect_to

No, update_attribute automatically saves the record:

Does the code work when executed from the console?

One thing you might like to try is logging an inspection of the prog object to see if that gives any insight:

def edit      prog = Prog.find(params[:id])      prog.update_attribute(:salary, 1000)

     # Something like:      logger.warn prog.inspect

     redirect_to :action => 'list' end
