Updated Reserved Words?

In another thread, status was apparently outed as a reserved word, but I can't find that documented anywhere. The latest list that Google could find was from July 2011, and it didn't include that word.

The "old" wiki comes up in searches, but doesn't appear to be maintained any more. I've looked through the Rails Guides, and this doesn't appear to be a topic there. Can anyone point to a canonical resource listing all of the words guaranteed to make Rails angry?

Thanks in advance,


+1… (so frustrating that this is not provided as part of the core Rails docs - I’ve wasted more time debugging crap caused by reserved word clashes than any other single thing in Rails.)


I suggest that one of you pick up all the old data they can find and start a new list somewhere. Preferably on a wiki so others can add to it as they get problems. Then you will be able to rest on your laurels for the rest of your life knowing that you have done a great service to the community.

The problem with making it part of the core docs is that many of the words (I guess) are from gems rather than core code.


+1... (so frustrating that this is not provided as part of the core Rails docs - I've wasted more time debugging crap caused by reserved word clashes than any other single thing in Rails.)

I suggest that one of you pick up all the old data they can find and start a new list somewhere. Preferably on a wiki so others can add to it as they get problems. Then you will be able to rest on your laurels for the rest of your life knowing that you have done a great service to the community.

The problem with making it part of the core docs is that many of the words (I guess) are from gems rather than core code.

You might try loading up rails console and...

Module.constants ActiveRecord::constants ActiveRecord::Base::constants

And so on for the other top level module/classes....


That would only catch a small subset would it not? There are also methods to worry about.

I wonder whether one could write a script to extract them all. That sounds like a nice little project for someone.


Just for starters. My vim editor highlights many “special” words within a

few ms after typing them, which acts as immediate feedback. I presume

other editors have that too.

  • there must be a list of “special words” maintained somewhere in

that project (Google for “ruby vim extension” ?)

  • Using that is actually very handy and would be a first level of

defense if one is worried about accidentally using a special word.

I find that very helpful.


+1... (so frustrating that this is not provided as part of the core Rails docs - I've wasted more time debugging crap caused by reserved word clashes than any other single thing in Rails.)

I suggest that one of you pick up all the old data they can find and start a new list somewhere. Preferably on a wiki so others can add to it as they get problems. Then you will be able to rest on your laurels for the rest of your life knowing that you have done a great service to the community.

The problem with making it part of the core docs is that many of the words (I guess) are from gems rather than core code.

That's a great idea. Here's a start. I may move this somewhere more relevant if I get a moment.


It might be worth including a header explaining what the list is :slight_smile:
