Update password with Devise

I've been googling a lot about it and can't find the solution.

I have a form to edit a user, but I need to two fields to update or change their password: New Password / Confirm Password fiels.

I know you can reset your password by clicking the Forgot My Password link. But I want them to be able to login to their account profile and change their password while logged in.

How can I do that?

I'm thinking about hacking the Forgot My Password form, haha, I'll see if I can make it work like that.

I just found a page that is already built on Devise but it redirects me to the root when I try to access it. Is there a reason for this? The user that is trying to access that page has can :manage, :all

This is the page http://localhost:3000/users/password/edit

When I'm NOT logged in I can see it, but when IM LOGGED in it redirects me. weird

Try typing rake routes in your project folder (in Terminal). You should see all the various routes explained for you. Depending on the combination of modules you have enabled in Devise, this route users/password/edit may mean something specific. See which controller and which action it is hitting in that controller. This may be the page you see when confirming your account, and you never see it again. You can certainly change your password under Devise, but you may need to add a users_controller of your own to access that.


I am trying to do the same thing and having the same problems. Please let me know if you find a solution.

Thanks, Jeff

Jeff N. wrote in post #958099:

I am trying to do the same thing and having the same problems. Please let me know if you find a solution.

Thanks, Jeff

Same problem. If you ever find a solution let me know.