Update params in 2 models

Hi there, i have a form with some fields where i put info about a university project like "name","title","code" etc. I create this project successfully but i want to update a specific attribute from the model teacher too. I have a field in there with the name "last_project_created" and i want to update it with the "code" parameter from this form.

I have used something like this but it does not works: @current_teacher.update_attributes(:last_project_created=>params[:code])

I put this line into the create method after the @project.save line.

Any ideas what i can do???

Thanks Kostas

I have used something like this but it does not works: @current_teacher.update_attributes(:last_project_created=>params[:code])

If this isn't working, the first place I'd look is in params[:code]. What's in that at the time this runs ?

Also don't forget you could use update_attribute in a situation like this eg: @current_teacher.update_attribute(:last_project_created, params[:code])

update_attributes iterates over each key in the hash and calls update_attribute on it, so you're saving rails a step or 2.

Kostas Lps wrote in post #976857:

Hi there, i have a form with some fields where i put info about a university project like "name","title","code" etc. I create this project successfully but i want to update a specific attribute from the model teacher too. I have a field in there with the name "last_project_created" and i want to update it with the "code" parameter from this form.

I have used something like this but it does not works: @current_teacher.update_attributes(:last_project_created=>params[:code])

I put this line into the create method after the @project.save line.

Any ideas what i can do???

I would put the foreign key in the projects table. Assuming a teacher has many projects then I would do:

* define a has_many from teacher to project

* define an association that _automatically_ calculates   the most recently created project by a teacher

* also define the belongs_to in the Project class and use that   when creating the new project.

(caveat: code not tested)

class Teacher ...   has_many :projects   has_one :most_recently_created_project, :class_name => "Project", :order => "created_at DESC" ... end

class Project ...   #makes lists of projects always predictable order   default_scope :order => "created_at DESC"   belongs_to :teacher ... end

This would allow you to say:

in the controller:

@project = Project.new(params) @project.teacher = @current_teacher if @project.save # success else # retry end

later on:

#all projects by this teacher teacher.projcts

#calculate most recent project of this teacher teacher.most_recently_created_project



Hello to both!

@Luke: I finally used the following: @current_teacher.update_attribute(:last_project_created, @project.code) that worked fine!

@Peter: i think your sollution is much better and i will try it when i finish my project that i'm working on! :))
