Problem: I have a table for the chosen images (ones marked with a checkbox) and that is working. However, I am trying to implement a drag and drop table and while the dragging and dropping is working, the update is not working.
1) app/views/products/show.html.erb contains the script for the drag and drop table. The id of the table is "sortable1". I am using Jquery UI to create the drag and drop feature for the table.
Line 103: $('#sortable1').sortable() creates this feature
The next lines after Line 103: axis: 'y', update: function(event, ui) { order = $(this).sortable('toArray'); alert(order); var id = $('body').data('id'); alert(id); $.post('/products/' + id, {'order': order});
So the chosen images can only be dragged along the y-axis (which works) and now the update method (which i am having trouble with)
the variable order includes the array with the html ids for the chosen images (I have them as row1,row2,row3,etc). So changing the 2nd image with the 3rd image would alert me saying "row1, row3, row2" (Because of "alert(order)").
The variable id contains the id of the product which we are looking at (This is done with javascript by retrieving the html attribute "data-id" which i have set as the id of the product).
The next part $.post method is a Jquery method that sends data to the server. The first parameter of the $.post method is the url so it sends data to "products/id" (This is how i have it in rails as the url) and the next parameter is the data being sent (in this case, the variable order).
Now what i believe is supposed to happen is that i can retrieve "order" in rails by using params[:order]. This is the main problem. params[:order] does not return anything
What is the problem here?