I'm having some problems on a particular acts_as_ferret model.
Rebuilding the index with Model.rebuild_index does not seem to work. No
results are returned after indexing. However,
when I update each record manually, the index seems to be correct.
The fields specified are custom methods, defined in acts_as_messageuser.
Maby this is causing some troubles with ferret :
#active_title => returns title field in current active language
define_method('active_'+param.to_s) do
value = read_attribute(param.to_s)
language = $activelanguage.code.to_sym
if value
Can somebody point me in the right direction? Oh, I'm using
ferret_server in production mode. Ferret works fine on the model in
development mode without ferret_server
But we moved an existing project from ferret to sphinx,
for exactly the reasons you mention. Everything working
fine in dev, but fails in prod.
If you google around a bit, you'll find that this seems a common
problem with ferret.
I would recommend moving to sphinx. Depending on amount of
models that use ferret, this shouldn't take more than a day or two.
Hi, could you tell us about the actual configuration of ferret? How's
working in development mode without the ferret_server? Is the
up and operational in the production environment?
Hi Conrad,
In development mode, I'm just using the local index without any ferret
server. In production mode, the ferret server is definitely doing it's
job. Most models using ferret, are simple models with straightforward
fields. However, the article model is a bit more complex and doesn't
index unless I update each record manually.
I'm having some problems on a particular acts_as_ferret model.
Rebuilding the index with Model.rebuild_index does not seem to work. No
results are returned after indexing. However,
when I update each record manually, the index seems to be correct.
Can somebody point me in the right direction? Oh, I'm using
ferret_server in production mode. Ferret works fine on the model in
development mode without ferret_server
Give this a go:
class Article
acts_as_ferret :fields => [...]
cattr_accessor :ferret_server
self.ferret_server = ActsAsFerret.remote? ? aaf_index : self