I'm trying to update attributes in a collection passed to form_tag.
However my syntax for extracting values from the params hash results
in this exception:
undefined method `keys' for ["Vanilla", "Rose", "Cranberry"]:Array
So it appears I am trying to call keys on an array of "flavor"
attribute values, rather than extracting "Candle" object id keys from
the params hash. I have included the code from the view and controller
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate any specific
suggestions, as well as any resources that explain the intricacies of
I'm trying to update attributes in a collection passed to form_tag.
However my syntax for extracting values from the params hash results
in this exception:
undefined method `keys' for ["Vanilla", "Rose", "Cranberry"]:Array
So it appears I am trying to call keys on an array of "flavor"
attribute values, rather than extracting "Candle" object id keys from
the params hash. I have included the code from the view and controller
If you call your parameters candle then you will indeed get back a
single array parameter
if you wanted a hash keyed by id then you'd need parameters of the
form candle[some_id][flavor]. fields_for etc... may be able to help
you create those parameter names rather than having to bash them in by
Thanks to Fred for an excellent explanation of params in his blog
post: Parametrised to the max - Space Vatican.
Anyone who is interested in params could probably learn a lot from
reading this interactive post.
Based on the post, I was able to update_attributes() to a collection
of candles.
Thank You!
# edit_all.html.erb
<% form_tag(:action => "update_candle_line") do %>
<% for @candle in @candles %>
<% fields_for @candle do |can| %>
<%= can.text_field(:flavor, "index" => @candle.id) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= submit_tag "Update" %>
<% end %>
# edit_all_controller.rb
def update_candle_line
params[:candle].each do |id, new_attributes|
Candle.find(id).update_attributes new_attributes
redirect_to_index("Flavors updated!")