Unwanted call to validates_associated

In my schema, a question has_many :answers. When the validations are run on a question, and one of the answers is not valid, then i get

"Answers is not valid"

coming out of errors.full_messages. I don't want this, i'm already testing the validity of the answers and this is an ugly and uninformative error message. It looks like it's the message i would get back if i was calling

validates_associated :answers

but i'm not, and if i *do* add this line

  validates_associated :answers, :message => "are not all valid"

then i get "Answers are not all valid" AND "Answers is not valid". So, i guess it's coming from somewhere else. But i can't work out where. With logging all i can see is that it happens during validation, and it happens *before* any other custom validations that i specify. Ie, whatever is doing this seems to be doing it as the first step of the validation sequence. If i take out all of my validations then it still occurs. After doing that, the only reference to answers in the whole class is the association:

  has_many :answers, :class_name => "MillionaireAnswer", :order => "position", :dependent => :destroy

The answers don't add any errors to their parent question when they are validated, and there's nothing going on in the controller to shove anything else in there. I could do something horrible and hacky and remove it from the error messages before showing them on the page but i'd rather understand what's going on.

Anyone got any ideas? max In case it's relevant here's my classes for questions and answers.

require 'fastercsv'

class MillionaireQuestion < ActiveRecord::Base   ALLOWED_KINDS = %w(text graphic video audio multiple_graphic multiple_audio)

  has_many :question_assets, :class_name => "MillionaireQuestionAsset", :order => "position", :dependent => :destroy   has_many :assets, :through => :question_assets, :order => "millionaire_question_assets.position"

  has_many :answers, :class_name => "MillionaireAnswer", :order => "position", :dependent => :destroy

  #answer_ids= does not preserve the order so building them instead, which will set position correctly   def answers=(hash_array)     self.answers.clear     hash_array.each do |hash|       self.answers.build(hash)     end   end

  #need to preserve order AND set from path or id   def assets=(hash_array)     self.assets.clear     hash_array.each do |hash|       if !hash[:id].blank?         asset = Asset.find_by_id(hash[:id])       elsif !hash[:path].blank?         asset = Asset.find_by_path(hash[:path])       else         asset = nil       end       if asset         self.assets << asset       end     end   end

  def required_asset_count     if self.kind == "text"       return 0     elsif ["multiple_audio", "multiple_graphic"].include?(self.kind)       return 4     elsif ["audio", "graphic", "video"].include?(self.kind)       return 1     else       return nil     end   end


class MillionaireAnswer < ActiveRecord::Base   acts_as_list :scope => :millionaire_question

  belongs_to :question, :class_name => "MillionaireQuestion"

  named_scope :correct, :conditions => ["correct = ?", true]   named_scope :fifty_fifty, :conditions => ["fifty_fifty = ?", true]

  validates_presence_of :text   validate :cannot_be_true_and_fifty_fifty

  def letter     self.position ? %w(x A B C D)[self.position] : nil   end

  def cannot_be_true_and_fifty_fifty     errors.add_to_base("Answer is marked as the correct answer and the fifty-fifty answer") if self.correct && self.fifty_fifty   end end

Max Williams wrote:

Thanks, but that's a workaround, and a rather complex one at that. I'd rather understand why this is happening.

Hi Max,

I'm a newbie, not having much idea, still learning, So i used that workaround.

Regards Saurabh