Unknown Route?

Looks prettier @ http://bit.ly/dRaTCm if you want it :slight_smile: Anyone I'm a bit stumped here.

Error:   No route matches {:controller=>"users", :action=>"confirm", :username=>"Mohammad", :code=>"%242a%2410%24%2FN5mhFlnu.VJ.DMdzh3ob.%2FQAbSb82nHZuZDAl%2F27726MKm6kfLbW"}

Route:   get 'users/confirm/:username/:code' => 'users#confirm', :as => 'user_confirmation'

Code:   <% url = user_confirmation_url(:username => @user.username, :code => @user.confirmation_code, :only_path => false) -%>   <% url = user_confirmation_path(:username => @user.username, :code => @user.confirmation_code, :only_path => false) -%>

Looks prettier @ http://bit.ly/dRaTCm if you want it :slight_smile: Anyone I'm a bit stumped here.

Error: No route matches {:controller=>"users", :action=>"confirm", :username=>"Mohammad", :code=>"%242a%2410%24%2FN5mhFlnu.VJ.DMdzh3ob.%2FQAbSb82nHZuZDAl%2F27726MKm6kfLbW"}

Route: get 'users/confirm/:username/:code' => 'users#confirm', :as => 'user_confirmation'

Code: <% url = user_confirmation_url(:username => @user.username, :code => @user.confirmation_code, :only_path => false) -%> <% url = user_confirmation_path(:username => @user.username, :code => @user.confirmation_code, :only_path => false) -%>

You need to tell the route that dots/periods are valid in :code... That is set a requirement with a regex that explicitly allows periods.

Otherwise rails is chopping that :code string off at the ".VJ" part and trying to use that as the format.
