unknown attribute: commit

Anyone experience this before?

I have a very simple form, and when I try to submit the form I get an "unknown attribute: commit" error.

Here is the form:

<% form_for @nominator do |f| %>   <%= f.error_messages %>

    <%= f.label :first_name %>     <%= f.text_field :first_name %>     <%= f.label :last_name %>     <%= f.text_field :last_name %>     <%= f.label :email %>     <%= f.text_field :email %>     <%= f.submit "Register" %> <% end %>

And parameters fed:

Parameters: {"commit"=>"Register", "nominator"=>{"last_name"=>"Smith", "first_name"=>"Barney", "email"=>"nominator@email.com"}}

Here's my model in nominator.rb:

class Nominator < ActiveRecord::Base   acts_as_authentic   has_many :students

  validates_presence_of :email end

Btw, I'm using authlogic, although I don't suspect that has anything to do with this error, as I've commented out the "acts_as_authentic" and still get the same error. Thanks in advance, folks.


Anyone experience this before?

I have a very simple form, and when I try to submit the form I get an "unknown attribute: commit" error.

Here is the form:

<% form_for @nominator do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %>

   <%= f.label :first_name %>    <%= f.text_field :first_name %>    <%= f.label :last_name %>    <%= f.text_field :last_name %>    <%= f.label :email %>    <%= f.text_field :email %>    <%= f.submit "Register" %>

Get rid of f.submit and use submit_tag. That will keep the 'commit' parameter from being included in params[:nominator].

Well you don't show your controller code, which I suspect is the culprit.

For example I suspect that you are doing something like

   Nominator.create(params) or   @nominator.update_attributes(params)

instead of   Nominator.create(params['nominator']) or   @nominator.update_attributes(params['nominator'])

or the like in your create and or update actions.

Note those parameters

{"commit"=>"Register", "nominator"=>{         "last_name"=>"Smith",         "first_name"=>"Barney",         "email"=>"nominator@email.com"    } }

Not all of the parameters are model attributes. The commit parameter is telling you which button was pushed. It's usually ignored since there is only one, but ...


You hit the nail right on the head! In my controller, I had the following:

    @nominator = Nominator.new(params)

When I changed it to     @nominator = Nominator.new(params['nominator'])

that cleared it up!

