Unit test error: field ... doesn't have a default value


here is my unit test:

require 'test_helper'

class UsuarioTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase   # Replace this with your real tests.   #test "the truth" do     #assert true   #end

  def test_salvar     usuario = Usuario.new     assert usuario.save   end

  def test_dois     assert true   end end

  1) Error: test_dois(UsuarioTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Field 'usuario_id' doesn't have a default value: INSERT INTO `albums` (...

  2) Error: test_salvar(UsuarioTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Field 'usuario_id' doesn't have a default value: INSERT INTO `albums` (...

2 tests, 0 assertions, 0 failures, 2 errors

The relationship is: Usuario has_many :albums

1) Error: test_dois(UsuarioTest): ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Field 'usuario_id' doesn't have a default value: INSERT INTO `albums` (...

This is saying 'I tried to insert the fixtures you defined but mysql didn't like the data you tried to insert'


Thanks Fred!

I didn't understand why it inserts an album because an Usuario can or can not have an Album. :confused:

I am not sure from your reply whether you still have a problem, if you do then the problem may be a syntax error in one of your fixture files.


Thanks Colin and sorry that I was not clear. I already fixed the fixtures.

But one thing is strange. usuarios.yml leandro:   nome: Leandro   email: le@le.com   data_nascimento: 2009-05-25

albums.yml funk:   nome: funk   foto: funk.jpg   usuario: leonardo

There is no Usuario "leonardo", but the Album "funk" is saved anyway. usuario_test.rb ... def test_new() assert Usuario.new; end ...

Colin Law wrote:

Thanks Colin and sorry that I was not clear. I already fixed the fixtures.

But one thing is strange. usuarios.yml leandro: nome: Leandro email: l...@le.com data_nascimento: 2009-05-25

albums.yml funk: nome: funk foto: funk.jpg usuario: leonardo

There is no Usuario "leonardo", but the Album "funk" is saved anyway.

your validations aren't run when inserting fixtures. in addition the foxy fixtures stuff that means that you can write leonardo to mean ' the users fixtures with label usario' does no validation of the label: it just generates the id that it knows would be used if there was one
