Unexpected behavior in locking_enabled? Returning column object instead of boolean

I am working on a Rails application and encountered an issue with the locking_enabled? method in ActiveRecord. Instead of returning a boolean as expected, it is returning an ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::Column object.

Debugging the method reveals:

lock_optimistically => true
locking_column => "lock_version"
columns_hash.keys => ["id", "....", "....", "created_at", "updated_at", "lock_version"]
columns_hash[locking_column] => #<ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::Column:0x.....

The issue seems to be caused by the && operator in the locking_enabled? method, which returns the second operand (columns_hash[locking_column]) when lock_optimistically is truthy, instead of a strict boolean.

To fix this, I overwrote the method to explicitly return a boolean:

def locking_enabled?
  !!(lock_optimistically && columns_hash[locking_column])


  1. Is this behavior a bug in Rails, or is it expected?
  2. Is overwriting the method with the !! approach the best solution, or is there a better alternative (e.g., using .include?)?


  • Rails version: 7.2.2
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Ruby version: 3.3.4

Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

My bad, this seems to be the expected behavior.

It may be your bad, but doesn’t the ‘?’ In locking_enabled? imply a boolean result?

Autocorrect won’t let me correct “‘?’ In” in the above sentence to use a lowercase i. However it didn’t try to correct sentenence to sentence.