I'm trying to use recipe 20 (handle multiple models in one form from "advanced rails recipes" but I'm hitting the error in the topic..
I basically try to access /trips/new (it's supposed to be an e- commerce solution for a tour operator) but new.html.erb raises:
### ERROR ### NoMethodError in Trips#new
Showing trips/new.html.erb where line #2 raised:
undefined method `trips_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0x178f504> Extracted source (around line #2):
1: <%= error_messages_for :trip %> 2: <% form_for(@trip) do |f| %> 3: <p>name <%= f.text_field :name %></p> 4: <div id="departures"> 5: <% render :partial => 'departure', :collection => @trip.departures %> ### END OF ERROR ###
What could cause the "trips_path" undefined method? I'm guessing I forgot something in the controller? I have tried form_for @trip as the book was suggesting but the error is still there, so I'm guessing that's not the problem
So far I've been able to find solutions to my errors simply by googling for the error, but it's not helpfull enough this time :\
Do you need me to paste some of the controllers or templates?