I've been trying to follow the example in Railscast #74, #74 Complex Forms Part 2 - RailsCasts, but I get an undefined method 'link_to_function' error. I'm using ROR 2.0. Does anyone know if this function has been moved to a plugin?
Franz Obenhauser wrote:
I've been trying to follow the example in Railscast #74, #74 Complex Forms Part 2 - RailsCasts, but I get an undefined method 'link_to_function' error. I'm using ROR 2.0. Does anyone know if this function has been moved to a plugin?
I didn't think it has been removed. See http://api.rubyonrails.com/ for more information.
It's included in the API. I'm new to Ruby, do I have to import the class?
Are you trying to use the method in a view? It's only exposed to views (I think) so make sure you're not trying to use it in a controller or model.
That's the most likely culprit I can think of...
Stupid me. Syntax error. Spelled it link_to_funtion.
When in doubt, check the Rails api online: http://api.rubyonrails.org/