undefined method ... from `alias_method'

0 wicked var/www % ./script/console Loading development environment.

r = Recipe.find :first

NameError: undefined method `recipe_type=' for class `Recipe'         from ./script/../config/../config/../app/models/recipe.rb: 101:in `alias_method'

In recipes_controller:

alias_method :orig_recipe_type=, :recipe_type= def recipe_type=(t)   if t.nil?     self.orig_recipe_type = guess_recipe_type     self.recipe_type_is_guess = true   else     self.orig_recipe_type = t     self.recipe_type_is_guess = false   end end

recipe_type is a column in my recipes table. Does this happen because AR uses method_missing to do recipe_type=? Can I get around this?

Thanks, --Dean

Correct. Use super.


def recipe_type=(t)   if t.nil?     super guess_recipe_type     self.recipe_type_is_guess = true   else     super t     self.recipe_type_is_guess = false   end end

Thanks for the reply Chris and the follow up explanation. That explains why alias_method works for my association assignments :slight_smile:
