Hey all, All I wanted to do was convert a haml file to erb. After doing so, i get an undefined method `render_sequence_nav' error message. Even though no such error happened when it was in haml format. I believe the culprit is this line which I am converting incorrectly:
#fields << render_sequence_nav(sequence_info, students_path)
This is what I got:
<%:ruby %> <% sequence_info = { :label => "Student Fail", :steps => [ "Select Student", "Enter Criteria" ], :num_steps => 2, :selected_step => @step } %>
<%= render_breadcrumb_trail %>
<%= render :partial => "resources_partials/sequence/header", :locals => sequence_info %>
<%= render :partial => "resources_partials/sequence/step_heading", :locals => sequence_info %> <%= render :partial => "resources_partials/sequence/errors" %>
<% form_for(@student, :url => {:action => :student_fail}, :html => {:id => "sequence", :class => "student fail"}) do |f| %> <%= f.error_messages %>
<%:ruby %> <% fields = if @step == 1%> <%= [ select_tag(:id, options_from_collection_for_select(Student.failed, :id, :selector_label, @student.id), :size => 10) ] %>
<% fields = if @step == 2%>
<%= collection_select(:student_fail, :student_fail_state_id, StudentFailState.all, :id, :key) %> <%= submit_tag 'Submit' %>
<% end %> <% end %>
<div id='fields'><% fields << render_sequence_nav(sequence_info, students_path) %></div> <% fields << render(:partial => "resources_partials/sequence/nav", :locals => sequence_info.merge({:cancel_url => {:controller => :dashboard}})) %> <%= render_form { fields } %> <% end %>
Any ideas as to what's converted incorrectly? Thanks.