undefined method `each' for #<Usrecart:0x46d1678>

I have the an error such as undefined method 'each' pls can any one find the error from the code given below

<center><%=@b%></center> <center><h2>WELCOME IN YOUR PROFILE</h2> <%@usercart=Usrecart.find_by_user_id(@b)%> <%if @usercart.blank?%>     <br>   <br>   <br>   <br>     <h2>THERE IS NO PRODUCT</h2> <%end%> <%if !@usercart.blank?%>    <% for u in @usercart %>         <% for column in u.content_columns %>               <%=h u.send(column.name) %>         <%end%>    <%end%>    <%=@usercart.user_id%> <%end%> <%=link_to "ADD NEW ITEM",:action=>'index',:id=>@usercart.user_id%> </center>


Typo much? Shouldn't that be Usercart........

I have the an error such as undefined method 'each' pls can any one find the error from the code given below

It looks like you're half expecting @usercart to be an array since
you're trying to iterate over it, but it isn't.



note the _all_ in the find method