undefined local variable or method"


I am trying to render a partial with a collection

<%= render :partial => 'classified', :collection => @classifieds %>

this one works

but if I changed my partial name to list for example

<%= render :partial => 'list', :collection => @classifieds %> and changed the name of my partial to _list.html.erb

I get the error

undefined local variable or method `classified' for #<ActionView::Base:0x4a55bf0>

does the name of the partial must match the name of the variable classified?

What is the way around that

Can someone help please

I figured out it is a naming convention issue, I have renamed variables in my partial to list instead of classified (as per the partial name) and it worked

but is there any way around that


I figured out it is a naming convention issue, I have renamed
variables in my partial to list instead of classified (as per the partial name) and it worked

but is there any way around that

Nope, that's pretty much the way partials work - you get a local
variable with the same name as the partial


i tried to run hello.rb which contains puts "HAI DEEPESH">>ruby hello.rb but i am getting

NameError: undefined local variable or method `hello' for main:Object from (irb):6

Sounds like you're trying to do this from an irb console. Why not do it from the command prompt ? (if you do want to shell out and execute something from irb you should have a look at `` or system)
