Unable to deploy to Apache

Thanks for the suggestion Raels :slight_smile:

Although, this doesn't seem to be the culprit :frowning:


Hi Walter,

So, I finally got everything working here (with database and all).

1) I definitely had to create a new user 'app_user', add it to the sudoer file, and apply 'chown - R app_user /home/rubys/work/depot'.

2) I wasn't able to issue "RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile". Got the "rake aborted! stack level too deep" error.

-- I was able to overcome this by disabling the 'config.assets.digest' feature within config/environments/production.rb (see below) and re- running the rake command.

3) I still wasn't able to view my web app. The "ActionView::Template::Error (application.css isn't precompiled):" appeared in the production.log file.

-- I was able to view the web app after enabling 'config.assets.compile' within config/environments/production.rb (see below).

Thanks again for all you help. It was very much appreciated.



Hi Walter,

So, I finally got everything working here (with database and all).

1) I definitely had to create a new user 'app_user', add it to the sudoer file, and apply 'chown - R app_user /home/rubys/work/depot'.

2) I wasn't able to issue "RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile". Got the "rake aborted! stack level too deep" error.

-- I was able to overcome this by disabling the 'config.assets.digest' feature within config/environments/production.rb (see below) and re- running the rake command.

3) I still wasn't able to view my web app. The "ActionView::Template::Error (application.css isn't precompiled):" appeared in the production.log file.

-- I was able to view the web app after enabling 'config.assets.compile' within config/environments/production.rb (see below).

Thanks again for all you help. It was very much appreciated.

I am glad you got there in the end. Definitely not the usual out-of-the-box experience.


LOL, definitely not :-]