Tutorial Purpose:
This tutorial will help you create an in-site search box that users can type in to search within your site. The search will utilize google's api search to find anything within your site, and return all results to the index.html.erb file specified in one of the search results views.
The returned results look almost exactly like a normal google search result, only the results are housed on your site and the search parameters are only looking within your site.
Here is the gist that contains all of the files or code you will need when reading through this tutorial.
What you need to do (step by step):
The files below are just summaries provided to help you understand what each file located in the gist does, and any information you may need to get you started. I would look over the files to familiarize yourself with them and then skip down to the full instructions at the end of this tutorial to get started.
(( Files )):