Trying to redirect to an external website

I'm looking for this to work

<%= redirect_to(post.link_url) %>

I tried this a few different ways. All I get is

" undefined method `redirect_to' "

when I try that.

How do you go about doing this?

Nothing needed in the controller, in your view, you do the following:

<%= link_to link.title, link.url, :popup => true %> So link here is the object with attributes title and url. You can hard-code these if you want, but in my application I store them in the database so an example of hard-coded link would be: <%= link_to "Google Search Home Page", "", :popup => true %>

popup is optional and when specified opens the target in a separate window. For more information, look up the documentation for "link_to" in Rails docs.


<%= link_to link.title, link.url, :popup => true %> So link here is the object with attributes title and url. You can hard-code these if you want, but in my application I store them in the database so an example of hard-coded link would be: <%= link_to "Google Search Home Page", "", :popup => true %>

This helps with a little with what I want to do but does not exactly redirect. I did some research and I guess ruby rails does not have a easy way to do this at all. This is where PHP would have the upper hand in this area.