Truncate text

Hi Folks,
Good evening,
I used the code which i print below,
Yes i got the result , but i need the result like this "TruncateHtml is jus....(continued)"

some_html = '<ul><li><a href="http://whatever">TruncateHtml is just like the vanilla truncate rails helper , TruncateHtml is just like the vanilla truncate rails helper</a></li></ul>'
truncate_html(some_html, :length => 15, :omission => '...(continued)')
  => <ul><li><a href="http://whatever">This...(continued)</a></li></ul>
please advice.

Hi dude,

I think you did wrong by truncating then html. Besides, when you use ‘:omission’ option, the computed length take in consideration the length of ‘…(continued)’. The best way to do this would be to create a helper method like truncate_text

  truncate_text(text, length, end_text)
end_text ||= ''  # end_text as an optional parameter
  new_text = truncate(text, :length => length) new_text = new_text + end_text

And then use it in you r html like this:

 some_text = "TruncateHtml is just like the vanilla truncate rails helper , TruncateHtml is just like the vanilla truncate rails helper"

<ul><li><a href='#'><%= truncate_text(some_text, 15, (continued)) %></a></li></ul>

Good luck


Hi dude,

Good Day,

My some_text content like this = “

TruncateHtml is just like the vanilla truncate rails helper , TruncateHtml is just like the vanilla truncate rails helper

As you said i pasted helper code in my pp_helper.rd and in my view,



truncate_text(text, length, end_text) end_text ||= ‘’ # end_text as an optional parameter new_text = truncate(text, :length => length) new_text = new_text + end_text new_text end


  • some_text = raw a.content

= truncate_text(some_text, 15)

I got an error

wrong number of arguments (2 for 3)

Extracted source (around line #147):

144: = raw [](
145: .ra
146: - some_text = a.content
147: = truncate_text(some_text, 15)
148: .con12 149: = "
150: .alert_msg

Please advice.

Hi dude,

Good Day,

My some_text content like this = "<p>TruncateHtml is just like the <strong>vanilla truncate <strong>rails helper , TruncateHtml is just like the vanilla truncate rails helper<p>"

As you said i pasted helper code in my pp_helper.rd and in my view,

app_helper.rb def truncate_text(text, length, end_text)

How many arguments has this method got?

end_text ||= '' # end_text as an optional parameter new_text = truncate(text, :length => length) new_text = new_text + end_text new_text end

my_view    - some_text = raw a.content    = truncate_text(some_text, 15)

How many arguments are you passing?

I got an error

wrong number of arguments (2 for 3)

I wonder what that means. The clue may be in the error message.
