Troubleshooting Empty Product List in Rails MVC Application

I’ve been working on a Rails application and am trying to implement the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern properly, but I’m running into an issue with my model and controller interaction. I’ve created a model class for my Product, but when I try to use it in the controller to display data on the view, it doesn’t seem to be showing any records from the database. I’ve checked my database, and the records are there, but I’m not sure if I’m missing something in my controller or model setup. I’ve been following the Rails API documentation: Here’s the basic setup I have:


class Product < ApplicationRecord
  validates :name, presence: true
  validates :price, presence: true


class ProductsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @products = Product.all

View (index.html.erb):

<% @products.each do |product| %>
  <p><%= %> - <%= product.price %></p>
<% end %>

When I visit the /products page, the page loads but it doesn’t display any product names or prices. I’ve confirmed that the database contains records, but I can’t figure out why the @products instance variable isn’t populating in the view.

Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Could this be something related to ActiveRecord or how Rails is handling the database connection? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

How are you checking the database exactly? Do you have a debugger? binding.irb or binding.pry. Any chance you can use that in your controller and inspect the contents of @products?

If you run bin/rails c and run Product.count and/or Product.all what does it return.