Trouble with routes, scope and locale


Rails 3.0.3

We're having some trouble with locale + scope and the auto-generated helpers. We've got a simple routes file like this:

scope '(:locale)', :locale => /en|es/ do   resources :schools end

And in our view:

<%= link_to @site.schoolid, school_url(, :target => "_blank" %>

But, instead of assigning passing as the :id, it's getting picked up as the value to a :locale key:

test_notification_is_delivered(SomeMailerTest): ActionView::Template::Error: No route matches {:controller=>"schools", :locale=>#<School id: 254, ...

We can workaround by using an explicit hash parameter, i.e. school_url(:id =>, but it seems like that shouldn't be necessary.

What are we doing wrong here?

