Hi all...
I just spent the better part of an hour wrestling with a finicky situation, and since there was some discussion earlier regarding multiple layouts, I thought I'd share my experience in the hope it might save someone a bit of hair-pulling
In one of my controllers, I had these actions:
def welcome
def welcome_xml
def math
def math_xml
The actions sans "_xml" are simple actions that render a view. The only difference between them is the layout used: welcome uses a one column layout while math uses a two column layout. The two actions that do have "_xml" are for generating xml packets of some statistics that are related to the non-xml actions. They are sort of like a web service in that they will be consumed by external sources (flash movies, etc). As it was, I didn't want the xml actions rendered in a layout, which is where my choose_layout method came from:
def choose_layout if action_name == 'welcome' 'one_column' elsif !['welcome_xml', 'math_xml'].include?(action_name) 'two_column' else nil end end
Using that, I got the results I desired. Until the "let's do things the right way" bug bit me. I looked at the xml actions and thought, "I should be using respond_to", so I set about making the modifications. I changed the non xml actions to be
def welcome/math # do something
respond_to do |format| format.html format.xml end end
and made sure that my view files were welcome.rhtml/rxml and math.rhtml/rxml. The stage was set for rails goodness to "Just Work"...but it didn't. When I hit /controller/math.xml, I got an error about malformed xml. As it turned out, the xml was being rendered in a layout. Since the action names were no longer 'welcome_xml' and 'math_xml', the choose layout method wasn't working as it once did. So I tried this:
format.xml {render :layout => false}
thinking that the xml view would be rendered without a layout. Well, it was, almost. A layout was not used, but for some reason that I could not determine, the rhtml view was rendered instead of the rxml view, even though my url was /controller/math.xml.
Much googling didn't really turn up a silver bullet, but enough little pricks in the brain were generated to get some ideas formulating. I did some experimenting with action_name and concluded that even though I used math.xml, the action name was still math. The only way to tell the difference between the requests was to know what the format is. On a whim, I inspected params[:format] when I hit /controller/math.xml. And there it was, as big as life, "xml". Woohoo! I ended up changing my choose_layout method to consider params[:format], like so:
def choose_layout if params[:format] == 'xml' nil elsif action_name == 'welcome' 'one_column' else 'two_column' end end
and taking the {render :layout => false} off of the format.xml line. So now it all works the way I expect, and want, it to.
Hopefully this will help someone (and maybe make up for my silly mistakes earlier today ).
Peace, Phillip