translations for custom validation error messages

In validations, one can add a custom error message:

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base

``def a_method_used_for_validation_purposes

``errors.add(``:name``, ``"cannot contain the characters !@#%*()_-+="``)



How wil this message be translated when using I18n? Can a key be passed instead of a message?

Cheers, ace

In validations, one can add a custom error message:

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base def a_method_used_for_validation_purposes errors.add(:name, I18n.t(:thekey)) #“cannot contain the characters !@#%*()_-+=”) end end

How wil this message be translated when using I18n? Can a key be passed instead of a message?

That should do it.

Cheers, ace

Hth Norbert


Indeed, when a message is send as a String, it will be taken literally, and if it is send as a Symbol, it will be looked up in the translation table.


Cheers ace