Touch an ActiveRecord - timestamps

When I update an ActiveRecord, i would like to "touch" one of the related objects, that the updated record belongs_to, in order to update the timestamps on the parent record, although i don't want to change any of the data in the parent. Whats the accepted way to do this?

just calling save on the parent association works in my testing, e.g.

Jeff Emminger wrote:

just calling save on the parent association works in my testing, e.g.

On Nov 13, 10:08�am, David Warburton <rails-mailing-l...@andreas-

That was the first thing i tried :(. I have rails 2.1.1.

working for me in 2.1.2

# parent class class Team < ActiveRecord::Base   has_many :games end

# child class class Game < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :team end

# unit test require 'test_helper' class GameTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

  def test_updates_parent_timestamps     team = Team.create(:name => 'Team 1')     game = Game.create << game

    assert team.valid?     assert game.valid?

    old_date = team.updated_at

    assert_not_equal old_date, team.reload.updated_at   end


working for me in 2.1.2

# parent class class Team < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :games end

# child class class Game < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :team end

# unit test require 'test_helper' class GameTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase

def test_updates_parent_timestamps team = Team.create(:name => 'Team 1') game = Game.create << game


assert team\.valid?
assert game\.valid?

old\_date = team\.updated\_at

assert\_not\_equal old\_date, team\.reload\.updated\_at


I expect that passes only because old_date was basically set to (so has a fractional second component), whereas team.reload.updated_at is fetched from the database, so the fractional portion of the second is lost. In rails 2.1 is a no-op because only changed attributes are saved (and here none are changed). You can force a save by modifying any attribute or calling one of the _will_change! methods ie

def touch   updated_at_will_change!   save end


I recommend an observer to do this, and I also recommend using a different column other than updated_at. I use last_modified_at to store the date that any part was changed, and reserve updated_at for tracking when the individual pieces are changed.

Something like this would work, although this is done from memory.

class UpdateObserver < ActiveRecord::Obeserver observe :project, :task, :note, :attachment

def after_save(record) if record.is_a? Project

     p = record
     p = record.project
 p.last_modified_at =!


def after_destroy(record) unless record.is_a? Project p = record.project p.last_modified_at =! end end end