Hi guys,
I've been looking at ROR for a wee while. I waited for leopard to get started as I knew that it was built into leopard. I can get it up and running fine - in terms of creating a project, launching mongrel and opening up textmate with the project.
But my problem exists with Mysql. I actually thought Mysql was built into osx if you installed the developer tools. Is this not the case?
So, I went and d/loaded the package from mysql.com. Good-o. So the preference pane doesn't work, but that's cool cos I've read that this is the case in leopard. But now I'm trying to install the ruby gem mysql thing. My questions begin there:
1. Is the ruby gem mysql (2.7) actually the mysql program (i.e. does it overwrite or default over the installed v5.0)? Or is it just a package to allow ruby to "talk" to mysql?
2. How do I use mysql? Anyone got a good link? I don't know if it's installed properly or how to start it etc... so I was needing a really simple beginners guide or something.
Thanks in advance