to get only the updated fields

Hi    I remember once I read about to get only updated fields from an update_attributes method. Means say I have a model user with name,age,sex etc And when the user updates the information I have to first check whether he actually updated anything(There is a chance that update button from view simply being clicked) and if only any updates happened I have to get that updated fields and send a mail stating that these fields are updated. How can I do this. Suppose in the above example if only name updated

Thanks Tom


I remember once I read about to get only updated fields from an

update_attributes method. Means say I have a model user with

name,age,sex etc And when the user updates the information I have to

first check whether he actually updated anything(There is a chance that

update button from view simply being clicked) and if only any updates

happened I have to get that updated fields and send a mail stating that

these fields are updated. How can I do this. Suppose in the above

example if only name updated



Tom, you should be able to do the following to get the attributes that have

been changed:


Next, you’ll need to store this information prior to saving the changes

to the database. Otherwise, the above method will return an empty array.

Good luck,


Hi Conrad

    Thanks for your reply. But this is not working for update_attributes. What I tried is in update action

@user = User.find(params[:id]) if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])    send_mail if @user.changed? #But this is always returns false Not working

If you look at the source code for update_attributes, you'll see it does a "save" in the method, so once it's finished, the are no changed fields (because the record has already been updated).

You need a callback filter to run in your User model; and "before_save" seems sensible to me:

def before_save send_mail if self.changed? end

Hi    Thank you. I have one more thing to clarify . If I write a before_save filter as you suggested, then will mail be sent when ever there is an update or save to this User model ? That is not what I want if it behaves like that.Please excuse if I am wrong

Thanks Tom

Whatever you want will happen whenever whatever conditions you set are met.

If you send mail on any changes; then yes, mail will be sent on any changes.

Reading your original post, that's what you said you wanted...

If you look at the source code for update_attributes, you’ll see it

does a “save” in the method, so once it’s finished, the are no changed

fields (because the record has already been updated).

You need a callback filter to run in your User model; and

“before_save” seems sensible to me:

Or alternatively, as you’re looking at the source for ActiveRecord::Base you’ll see that the update_attributes method simply does this:

def update_attributes(attributes)

self.attributes = attributes



So, instead of messing about with callbacks, you could simply amend your original code to this (assigning to attributes rather than calling update_attributes):

@user = User.find(params[:id]) if @user.attributes = params[:user] send_mail if @user.changed? #But this is always returns false Not


... and repeat that in every method that makes any updates to your user...

Whatever works for you, though... it's your code after all.

Be DRY :-/

While technically you’re right (and therefore it may make more sense to move it to the model - @user.update_attributes_and_notify), it seems (from reading between the OP’s lines) like there are a number of places where he’d want to update the user himself (and not send an email) and only have it send the email from a particular place/action.

I completely agree about DRYness, but I was just offering an alternative solution as we don’t know the full facts in what he’s trying to do.




While technically you're right

Way to get me onside :wink:

we don't know the full facts in what he's trying to do.

Agreed - the "oh, but I didn't tell you about this condition" syndrome.


Let's split the difference... create a method on the user model that checks for .changed? and sends the email, but rather than using it as an AR callback to hook *every* update, call it from those controller methods you want to, and use the default update_attributes elsewhere... how's that sound?

Something along the lines of:

# User model def update_attributes_and_notify   self.attributes = attributes   send_email if changed?   save end

# Users controller @user = User.find(params[:id]) if @user.update_attributes_and_notify(params[:user]) working

While technically you’re right

Way to get me onside :wink:

I’m a part-time developer and part-time sleazy politician :wink: “I completely agree with you 100%, however…” (notice no “but”). j/k

Let’s split the difference…

Completely agree with the solution (and it’s what I had in mind during my last message).



Hi    I solved it as Michael suggested And it was working .But now i notified another issue. That is why reopening the thread. The issue is, even if the validations fail, mail is sent to user (What I need is only if update happens successfully on changed attributes then only mail to be sent)

controller code is

@user = User.find(params[:id]) res = @user.update_attributes_and_notify(params[:user]) if res == true    ----do this elsif res == false    ----do this elsif res == 'nochange'   ----do this end

User model code is

  def update_attributes_and_notify(attributes,user)     self.attributes = attributes     if changed?       deliver_user_edit_details!       save     else       return 'nochange'     end   end

and if I change the line in model

   deliver_user_edit_details! if save       I get error undefined method `call' for nil:NilClass

  What would be the reason? Please help

Thanks Tom

if changed? && save deliver_user_edit_details! else return 'nochange' end